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Gay + Lesbian Rowing Federation

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Brasil Rossiya Belgique Hrvatska India Ceska Republika Espana Magyarorszag Suisse Qatar Nederland United Kingdom Yisra'el
Srbija Mexico Malaysia

a worldwide online community

Portugal Suid-Afrika Polska

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A community page for women rowers

As of 01 Jul 2013 - there are 321 women onboard! Want to post an announcement? Seen a good article, care to share a good link, or want to write something? Send us a message

Articles, Information, and Annoucements

A woman talks about her fears in telling her parents about her sexual orientation.

Watch the great CBS interview with Harvard coxswain Allison Kessler on the GLRF Rowing Flix Favorites: Hero of Harvard.

Thanks to GLRF member Lorraine R. who reviewed the novel Hostile Environment. She finds nothing but disappointment. 

Hey university girl, wanna row? Check out this awesome vid of a day in the life of the University of Texas Women’s Crew Team. Ready to sign up?

Strength and Stamina for Women. “It has so many benefits,” she said. “Becoming physically strong as a woman is incredibly empowering.”

100 Women Strong. On 14 May 2006, GLRF recorded its 100th female registration and initiated the beginning of a critical mass of connected women rowers from around the world. So to a certain Miss F. in Boston, you rock!

Lesbian Coach Deserves Equal Opportunity: Derek Richmond of the Georgetown Hoya weighs in with a simple premise: “if she can coach” and her record shows she can, “she should be allowed to coach.”

UCLA Daily Bruin - 3 part series:

Women compete at 2004 Eurogames Regatta31 Jul 2004 - Seventeen women competed in 5 events: 1X, 2+, 2X, 4X, and 2X mixed. More news.

clockwise: Jakk, Louise, Michelle, Duska, Penny, Andy, Bec, Natalie (hiding), Jen
It was a “Chicks Weekend Away.” 03 Dec 2003 - A rousing success! 22 women from Sydney, Adelaide, and Melbourne attended the first ever Australian National Lesbian Rowing Camp in Dimboola .... story.

Where is Dimboola? It’s a small country town at the edge of the Little Desert in Victoria, Australia. Dimbool and rowing course are situated on the beautiful Wimmera River. More pics.

The Boston Bay Blades women strut their fine physiques and show off their gold medals after rowing to victory at the Washington DC Stonewall X Regatta in Jun 2003.