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Gay + Lesbian Rowing Federation

Australia Danmark France Ellas Canada Deutschland Ireland New Zealand Norge United States Italia Republik �sterreich
Brasil Rossiya Belgique Hrvatska India Ceska Republika Espana Magyarorszag Suisse Qatar Nederland United Kingdom
Mexico Yisra'el

a worldwide rowing community

Portugal SOAF0001

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Linking Mexican rowers

The Mexico country page brings rowers together by offering both local and regional resources. GLRF respects the culture of each country and wherever possible, uses the native spelling and language.

    GLRF Mexico Posts is an ALL OARS message board forum dedicated to the GLRF Mexican rowing community. We offer three topical areas that help to unite rowers: national | northern region | southern region.

    regional calendar: The GLRF Mexico Calendario provides a schedule of upcoming activities in Mexico and the United States.

    community news: The Boston Bee offers GLRF community news for Mexico and the United States

    links for rowers: offers GLRF essential links for the rowing community in Mexico

    cities with rowers: provides a listing of metropolitan areas with GLRF members, and their clubs, if provided.

    Find A Rower: GLRF Mexico members can be located by city, metro area, two geographic regions, and by country (MX).

GLRF has created 2 regions in Mexico for rowers to connect at a local level. Click on this map to see the regions. Map courtesy of and modified by GLRF.
ciudades con Remero

Listed here are areas in Mexico with GLRF members. Each area includes any number of local cities and towns.  When members have listed their club or boathouses in their online registration, their rowing club is listed. If not, only metro area is listed.

*Any gay and lesbian rowing clubs or regional associations are highlighted in yellow.

Mexico City