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Gay + Lesbian Rowing Federation

Al Emarat
Australia Danmark France Ellas Canada Deutschland Ireland New Zealand Norge United States Italia Republik �sterreich
Brasil Rossiya Belgique Hrvatska India Ceska Republika Espana Magyarorszag Suisse Qatar Nederland United Kingdom Yisra'el
Srbija Mexico Malaysia

a worldwide online community

Portugal Suid-Afrika Polska

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Become a global sponsor

ABOUT GLRF - contribute to GLRF
GLRF Elite Rowing Team

GLRF is a community-based organization that relies on your individual donations. Please consider making a contribution today. 

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GLRF Spectators and Fans

Not quite ready to take a spot on the Elite Team? Any contribution, even $1, $2, or $5 helps us in our ongoing operations.

Please consider a contribution today. Click here and select an amount.

Rowing on the Mystic River; Photo courtesy of DNewey
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Support GLRF in 2014

The Gay and Lesbian Rowing Federation relies upon membership subscriptions, donations, and sponsorships for its ongoing operations. Your contribution is vital to the ongoing operation of GLRF.

 There are many ways you can help:

Want to do more? Please consider a contribution to the GLRF Elite Rowing Team. 

Thank you in advance for your generous support of the Gay + Lesbian Rowing Federation.

2014 Elite Rowing Team

Brian T - Los Angeles US

2013 Elite Rowing Team

Brian T - Los Angeles US
Howie S - Boston US

2012 Elite Rowing Team

Brian T. - Los Angeles US
Grant B. - Los Angeles US

2011 Elite Rowing Team

Brian T. - Los Angeles US
Charlotte H. - Natick US
Howie S. - Boston US
Peter C. - San Francisco US

2010 Elite Rowing Team

Brian T. - Los Angeles US
Charles J. - New York US
Howie S. - Boston US
Michael Z. - Washington US

2009 Elite Rowing Team

Brian T. - Los Angeles US
Elisabeth M. - Washington US
Steve O. - Honolulu US

2008 Elite Rowing Team

Al C. - San Francisoc US
Brian T. - Los Angeles US
Daniel S. - New York City US
Elisabeth M. - Washignton US
Howie S. - Boston US
Jeffrey C. - Knoxville US
Michael Z. - Washington US

2007 Elite Rowing Team

Al C. - San Francisco US
Brian T. - Los Angeles US
Don G. - West Hollywood US
Elisabeth M. - Washington US
Howie S. - Boston US
Joseph A. - Minneapolis US
Steve O. - Honolulu US

2006 Elite Rowing Team

Brian T. - Los Angeles US
Joseph A. - Minneapolis US

2005 Elite Rowing Team

Brian T. - Los Angeles US
Charles O. - New York City US
Elisabeth M. - Washington US

2004 Elite Rowing Team

Brian T. - Los Angeles US
Daniel S. - New York City US
Garrett H. - San Francisco US
Judi P. - Fair Oaks US
Justin A. - Washington US
Michael S. - Boston US
Paul S. - Austin US
Will C. - New York City US

2003 Elite Rowing Team

Brian T. - Los Angeles US
Elisabeth M. - Washington US