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Gay + Lesbian Rowing Federation

Al Emarat
Australia Danmark France Ellas Canada Deutschland Ireland New Zealand Norge United States Italia Republik �sterreich
Brasil Rossiya Belgique Hrvatska India Ceska Republika Espana Magyarorszag Suisse Qatar Nederland United Kingdom Yisra'el
Srbija Mexico Malaysia

a worldwide online community

Portugal Suid-Afrika Polska

Google Chrome & Flash issues



Become a global sponsor


Sponsorship Opportunties

Declare your support for the visibility and awareness of gay and lesbian rowers. Become a GLRF sponsor.  GLRF offers two types of sponsor support to meet the targeted needs of your market: geographic or community.


GLRF is an individual-based, global membership organization. GLRF offers a worldwide community for rowers, coxswains, coaches, and judges who participate in clubs, programs, and boathouses at every level. Currently, our members come from 33 countries. The geographic sponsorship categories provide organizations with an opportunity to support our worldwide membership at varying levels. 

The GLRF Global Sponsor Level highlights a brand that serves markets on multiple continents. Nine sponsorship opportunities are available. Sponsor panels can be configured to be linked to specific markets depending on the page or section of the GLRF website.


GLRF membership attracts rowers from all aspects of the sport: rowers, coxswains, coaches, and race officials. The GLRF Athlete pages serve to connect our members across geographic boundaries, and focus on a segment of rowing. Each recognition that our members participate in varying programs, the GLRF website hosts community pages that provide focused news, chat, posts, and events. We offer five distinct communities:

  • Main Boathouse (General membership and adult Masters)
  • Women
  • Collegiate (University level ages 19 - 24)
  • GLRF Juniors (Secondary school ages 13 - 18)
  • Open/Elite (High level competitive rowers)

The GLRF Community Sponsor Level offersf 6 sponsor opportunities for each community. Sponsors may select one or more panels, or choose the “dockmaster” option that reserves all 6 panels. Community sponsor panels carry through to all community sub-pages. Sponsors can also elect to target panels in multiple communities.

Please visit the Community Sponsor page to view samples of community sponsor panels.

Request a sponsor proposal

For more information or to request a sponsorship proposal for your company, contact the GLRF Director of Development: devdir(a)

Boat House Row Philadelphia - the presence of any boathouse in this photograph does not imply any type of sexual orientation; Photo courtesy of Frank Ralph