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The Boathouse - the presence of any person, club crest, or boathouse in this photograph does not imply any type of sexual orientation. Photo courtesy of Rachael&Andrew
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A community page for masters rowers

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Articles and Information:

A Straight Rower’s Perspective: Rowing News feature reporter Topher Boudreau is the Straight Man In at the 2006 Montreal World Outgames

The Stroke of Youth: Meaghan Wolff looks at the secret behind rowers’ immortality.

A Life and a Lifestyle: Douglas Robson speaks with Charles Richardson about rowing, cancer, and being out at the boathouse.

Unconventioal Wisdom: Rowing News feature about participating in the Outgames: . “The idea is to support and embrace diversity in society and to celebrate our differences and similarities through sport.”

An Extraordinary Specimen: Rowing: the best body - The perfect male rower is an extraordinary physiological specimen. He is tall, heavy but with very low body fat (10 percent in men), with broad shoulders and long, powerful limbs. His heart is capable of pumping 40 liters of blood a minute. Rowers have the highest absolute maximum oxygen uptakes of any athletes and the highest intakes of air, up to 300 liters per minute.

Strength is Essential for Rowers: Ed McNeely’s famous article on Strength Training for Masters. Where should you be focusing your conditioning?