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Gay + Lesbian Rowing Federation

Al Emarat
Australia Danmark France Ellas Canada Deutschland Ireland New Zealand Norge United States Italia Republik �sterreich
Brasil Rossiya Belgique Hrvatska India Ceska Republika Espana Magyarorszag Suisse Qatar Nederland United Kingdom Yisra'el
Srbija Mexico Malaysia

a worldwide online community

Portugal Suid-Afrika Polska

Google Chrome & Flash issues



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Connecting Rowers by Country
An Orange Light and a Rower's Delight - the presence of any person in this photograph does not imply any type of sexual orientation; Photo courtesy of euan_pics

Website notice: some of the country pages are missing widgets and/or are barely functional. This happened when we transitioned from an older widget source to a current widget source. It was out intent to update all of the country pages but the task was incredibly daunting. 

Our current project will replace all of the country pages with dynamic widgets that will populate all of the pages. As new countries are added, we anticipate being able to update all of the country pages with a few key strokes.

Our eta for this project is Spring 2014.

a WORLDWIDE community

GLRF Countries provides a geographic focus for the gay and lesbian rowing community. For every members registered nation, we feature a separate country page. In this way, a GLRF member can have an instantaneous look at what is happening in their country and participate in current discussions and groups. The following features are included with every country page:

Separate message board forums

Every country has a dedicated forum that help to connect the local rowing community.

All Oars Groups Listings

We list every All Oars group that is country-focused so that members can easily connect with each other or create new connections.

Gotcha! Gallery Image Feeds

We offer country-specific feeds for the latest image and video uploads in our community gallery.

Regional Calendars

Currently eight regional calendars provide updates on events in broad regions that serve one or more countries:

  • Africa Middle East Calendar
  • Asia Calendar
  • British Isles Calendar
  • Eastern Europe Calendar
  • Europe Calendar
  • North America Calendar
  • Ozzie-Kiwi Calendar
  • South America Calendar
Community News

Eight regional news blogs provide updates on events and upcoming activities for the local gay and lesbian rowing community:

  • Berlin Tattler
  • Boston Bee
  • Cairo Dispatch
  • London Standard
  • Moskva Statesmen
  • Rangoon Press
  • Rio Express
  • Sydney Spokesmen
Links for Rowers

For every country, we offer essential links for the local rowing community. 

Cities With Rowers

Every country page lists the major metropolitan areas with GLRF members and their rowing clubs, if provided.