I got into rowing my senior year in high school.
Growing up in southeast Washington, D.C., which is mostly black, I
sometimes had anger toward whites. I thought doing something
considered �white� would help me get over some of my negative
Everyone wanted me to play football, because I was
big and fast. But I always leaned toward the unexpected. I also
played the oboe. I was cool with everybody in high school, but I
knew I was different in other ways too. I was living this
ultrastraight life. In the end my friends shrugged off my rowing by
saying, �Oh, he�s doing something offbeat again.�
I continued
rowing my freshman year at Northeastern University in Boston, but my
studies forced me to stop. Then I got cancer two weeks before
graduation. I had back pains but figured it was nothing. I was 22,
in great health, and an athlete! I started losing feeling in my
legs, and became temporarily partially paralyzed.
When I went
to the emergency room, they said, �You have to have
surgery�tonight.� I had a six-centimeter tumor in my spinal column.
The diagnosis was non-Hodgkin�s lymphoma. I�m six years in remission
The cancer brought my separate worlds together: my
50-something boyfriend, my straight black friends, my gay white
buddies, my family. Everyone was opening up to me, so that�s when I
came out to a larger circle of college friends. They were cool and
told me they already knew. When my gay friends kissed me in the
hospital, my straight friends didn�t squirm.
I didn�t get
back into the sport until 2002, when I moved back to Boston after
spending two years in Philadelphia to be with my boyfriend of seven
years. I felt bad that I�d quit. Every time I saw a crew in the
water I wanted to be a part of it. I noticed there was a gay rowing
group, the Boston Bay Blades, so I joined. Now I do sweep rowing,
which is one oar per person in a group of four or eight.
only semi-out to the team I primarily row with, Community Rowing
Inc., which is mostly straight. I don�t hide anything. I�ll tell
them I row with the Bay Blades. Most just go, �Oh, OK.� It�s no big
Rowing appeals to my perfectionist nature. It�s a
thinking man�s sport and as challenging as any of the projects I
tackle as a software engineer. It�s also the ultimate team sport.
Everyone has to be in sync. And you know all these homosexuals are
going to get it right, because we�ll bitch about it!
read more of Richardson�s story and inspiring profiles of other gay
athletes, including Jamie Nesbitt and Ryan Quinn, pick up a copy of
the July issue of Out.