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Gay + Lesbian Rowing Federation

Australia Danmark France Ellas Canada Deutschland Ireland New Zealand Norge United States Italia Republik �sterreich
Brasil Rossiya Belgique Hrvatska India Ceska Republika Espana Magyarorszag Suisse Qatar Nederland United Kingdom
Mexico Yisra'el

a worldwide rowing community


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Geographic Sponsor

Sponsor category and web panel placement

Geographic sponsor category web panel descriptions are based on rowing shell seat designations. All geographic sponsors are provided web panel coverage as well as signage space at GLRF hosted vendor booths at selected worldwide regattas.


This offers the highest level of sponsorship and is very exclusive, affording only 9 sponsor positions. The theme matches the fastest and most powerful racing shell, the eight man boat which seats 8 rowers and a coxswain. 

As a global category, the panel appears on all visible web pages outside of the community pages and product pages, or approximately 90% of the website.  Global8+ has the highest placement on the page.

The sponsorship is best suited for mutli-national companies seeking to target the sports and outdoors markets worldwide.


This is the second highest level of sponsor placement. As a continental category, the panel appears on those pages that encompass a generally agreed continental area, and may include several countries.

The theme matches the workhorse of the rowing world, the four man boat. Accordingly, there are four sponsor positions in each of six geographic areas:

  • North America - NORAM4-
  • South America - SORAM4-
  • Europe - EUROPE4-
  • Australian/New Zealand - OCEANIA4-
  • Africa - AFRIQUE4-
  • Asia - AZIE4-

The sponsorship works well for a national or multi-national company looking to increase brand exposure in a continental area.


The third highest level of sponsor placement. As a regional category, the panel appears on those pages directly related to a grouping of states or provinces. In the case of Europe, regions are broken down into a grouping of smaller countries so as to give a sponsor a wider exposure.

The theme ties in with the boats most associated with perfecting the finesse of the rowing stroke - the two man shell.  In each region ,there are two sponsorship opportunities. Currently there are ten regions but more may be added:

  • Australia - AUSTRALIA2-
  • Eastern Europe - BOCTOK2-
  • Brasil - BRASIL2-
  • Canada - CANADA2-
  • Northern Europe - DERNORDEN2-
  • Southern Europe - ILSUD2-
  • Southeast Asia - BENGAL2-
  • New Zealand - NEWZEALAND2-
  • Ireland & UK - THEISLES2-
  • United States - US2-

This sponsorship works well for companies looking to expand their existing brand awareness in micro demographics.

For more information or to request a sponsorship proposal for your company, contact the GLRF Director of Development: devdir(a)

Rowers among super tankerz Photo courtesy of Maddie Digital