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Gay + Lesbian Rowing Federation

Australia Danmark France Ellas Canada Deutschland Ireland New Zealand Norge United States Italia Republik �sterreich
Brasil Rossiya Belgique Hrvatska India Ceska Republika Espana Magyarorszag Suisse Qatar Nederland United Kingdom
Mexico Yisra'el

a worldwide rowing community


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Community Sponsor

Sponsor category and panel layout

Community sponsor panels support a specific portion of the rowing community. Just like a series of docks that serve a boathouse, the community �docks� serve to support separate segments of the rowing community who have a specific rowing interest.  A �dockmaster� option allows a sponsor to become an exclusive supporter of the community. 

The layouts of the community pages are very similar, and provide a source of rowing information that targets each community. Samples of the separate dock panels as well as the �dockmaster� layout are provided to the left and below.

MAIN BOATHOUSE (+12 sub pages currently)

This is the most visited community within GLRF. It ties in all the other communities and is intended as the main hub for all members. Special link buttons give GLRF members a launching point to the rest of the website. Special features include the Main Boathouse message board latest topics, a dynamic news aggregation service providing constantly updated rowing and gay and lesbian news from around the world, posts for topics of interests to the entire community, and video and photo gallery sections.

WOMEN (+4 sub pages currently)

The second most visited community within GLRF. It provides a separate space for women rowers. Special features include links to a list of womens camps and clinics, articles of interest for women rowers, rowing resources, an email diary that helps to bring together women rowers from around the world, the Womens Dock message board latest topics, and a dynamic news aggregation service providing rowing news targeted just for women. 

COLLEGIATE (+5 sub pages currently)

The collegiate rowing community is unique in that their focus on rowing is extremely intense, with daily coached workouts, on and off the water. Collegiate athletes live and breathe rowing. This community page attempts to address those needs with tailored content that focuses on rowing and the process of coming out/being out amongst your teammates and your coaches. Special features include links to collegiate websites around the world, the Collegiate Bay message board latest topics, a dynamic news aggregation service providing rowing news targeted at university level athletes, and a worldwide collegiate championship regatta calendar.

GLRF JUNIORS (+4 sub pages currently)

Because every gay and lesbian has to go through the process of coming out, it remains an uncomfortable, anxiety-inducing, and very often, a painful experience. For a teenager in secondary school or high school, that time can be filled with confusion and uncertainty. GLRF believes very strongly in creating a setting where rowers can feel at ease and at least know that they are not alone, that it�s okay to be a gay rower. Approximately 7% of the GLRF membership is 19 and under. Special features include a global focus on juniors rowing associations, a global juniors regatta calendar, an email diary that helps to bring together juniors from around the world, articles and posts of interests to the juniors community,and a dynamic news aggregation service providing rowing news targeted for juniors.







(+5 sub pages currently

The open/elite community section provides a dual purpose: visibility and anonymity. Due to the extreme competitive nature of national team sports, sexual orientation is very often never discussed or addressed to avoid creating an exploitable topic among athletes and coaches. This community section attempts to ease an athlete�s isolation and to inspire pre-elite athletes to endure the hardships that come with looking for financial and coaching support in a still-closeted world.

Sponsorship of this community makes a dramatic statement that all athletes should have the opportunity to compete at the highest level of sport, in an open and accepting environment. Unique features for the community include a global championship regatta calendar, resources for elite athletes, articles about out Olympic athletes, a latest topics listing from the Power 20 message board, and a dynamic news aggregation service providing information targeted for elite athletes. 

For more information or to request a sponsorship proposal for your company, contact the GLRF Director of Development:

A piece on the Po River - the presence of any person in this photograph does not imply any type of sexual orientation Photo courtesy of debsilver