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Gay + Lesbian Rowing Federation

Al Emarat
Australia Danmark France Ellas Canada Deutschland Ireland New Zealand Norge United States Italia Republik �sterreich
Brasil Rossiya Belgique Hrvatska India Ceska Republika Espana Magyarorszag Suisse Qatar Nederland United Kingdom Yisra'el
Srbija Mexico Malaysia

a worldwide online community

Portugal Suid-Afrika Polska

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GLRF has two principle groups that govern and implement the mission of the organization: a Board of Directors and a Management Team.

Board of Directors

The board serves the GLRF membership by establishing policies that define the expectations and priorities of the organization. The board appoints an Executive Director to implement that guidance, and monitors his/her compliance.

The Board is comprised of a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 13 members. Ideally, the composition of the board is to be diverse, representing geography, gender, age, and professional experience. However, the board is required to have, at a minimum, geographic and gender representation. There are seven recognized geographic regions: United States, Canada, Europe, South America, Africa, Asia, and Pacific. No more than three members from one region may serve on the board, ensuring that at least 3 regions will be represented on the board at any given time. There must be at least 2 members from each gender.

Board membership is self-perpetuating. Board members serve a three-year term from the date of their appointment with the option to renew for one additional term.  The board includes a slate of two officers, Chair and Vice Chair, who are elected from within the board. The GLRF Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer and serves as a non-voting member of the board except in the case of a tie vote. Finally, “honorary” or ex-officio members can be appointed by the board. They are entitled to participate in all board meetings but they have no vote.

Management Team

The staff implements the priorities and policies established by the GLRF Board of Directors, and generally handles the “day to day” functions of the organization, including membership, development, public relations, outreach, programs/services, and website management.

The management team consists of an Executive Director who works with a team of up to 7 individuals: four Directors, and three Managers. The Directors oversee the external functions of GLRF: Development, Promotion&Publicity, Programs, and Community. The Managers focus on the internal aspects of GLRF: Website Services, Corporate Affairs, and Financial Affairs. In addition to the core team of 7, there is a continuing need for coordinators of more specific, limited tasks: regattas, socials, membership, individual website communities, etc.

The Board of Directors appoints the Executive Director. The ED recruits the directors and managers. Although there are no specific gender, age, or geographic requirements to be part of the Management Team, it is hoped that GLRF will have a broad spectrum of experience at all levels. It is essential to have multiple perspectives if GLRF can hope to offer an effective suite of resources and programs to our worldwide rowers.