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Gay + Lesbian Rowing Federation

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Brasil Rossiya Belgique Hrvatska India Ceska Republika Espana Magyarorszag Suisse Qatar Nederland United Kingdom Yisra'el
Srbija Mexico Malaysia

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Portugal Suid-Afrika Polska

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Board of Directors

A Policy Governance Board

The GLRF board of directors is based on the Carver Policy Governance Model. 

The board exists to be accountable to the membership such that the Gay + Lesbian Rowing Federation operates effectively and properly. The board fulfills its role as the owner-representative by creating policy that prescribes organizational expectations. As a governing body, the board has total authority and accountability for the organization.

The board appoints a Chief Executive Officer [Executive Director] to exercise its authority and to fulfill its accountability. All authority granted by the board to the organization is granted to the Executive Director. All accountability of the organization to meet board expectations is charged to the Executive Director.

The effectiveness of the GLRF board comes from its representative talent and its unwavering commitment to the growth and vitality of the Gay + Lesbian Rowing Federation. To be effective, a board of directors must develop members with a wide-range of professional expertise that focus on the mission of the organization. For GLRF, that means recruiting individuals with an expertise in: legal affairs, marketing, business development, professional and elite sports, nonprofit operation, publicity, regatta management, information technology, and combating homophobia.

Election to the board is by invitation from the existing board membership. Each board member will be asked to serve a three-year term with the option of renewing for one additional term.  Specific sexual orientation is not a prerequisite for board membership.

Unlike other organizations, board committee participation will be minimized. Rather, board members will be expected to fully participate in live and in teleconference meetings as the primary vehicle for creating policy. Board members do not receive compensation for membership but will receive reimbursement for travel and lodging expenses, if sufficient funds exist.

Contact the board: glrfboard(a)

An Oxford Blade

Brian Todd, Los Angeles, United States, Executive Director and Incoporator; Brian learned to row on the enticing waters of Lake Merritt in Oakland in high school. He rowed with the West Hollywoood Oars at the Amsterdam Gay Games, bringing home a silver and bronze medal.

Enric Nitzsche - Berlin, Germany. Euro Region; Enric began rowing in 1980 in Cologne as member of the 'K�lner Club f�r Wassersport'. Trained in the classic European fashion as a sculler in school, Enric is now an accomplished oarsman. Currently, he rows for the 'Friedrichshagener Rudeverein', Berlin. Enric has been actively involved in organized gay and lesbian rowing regattas in Europe for several years.

Elisabeth Morgan, Washington, United States; Lis began rowing at Smith College. She rows with the DC Strokes on the Potomac. Lis has helped organize and run 9 out of the past 10 Stonewall Regattas.

Holly Metcalf - Boston, United States, Honorary Member; Holly has been involved with rowing as an athlete and coach for more than twenty years. She was a six-time national/Olympic team member, bringing home the Olympic gold in 1984, as well as three silver and one bronze World Championships medals between 1981 and 1987. She has coached at the national team, collegiate and community levels. After completing a BA at Mt. Holyoke College, she earned a master's degree in risk and prevention and a certificate of advanced study in human development and psychology from Harvard University, where she studied with Carol Gilligan. She founded Row As One Institute, Inc. in 1994. Its first program was aimed to give masters women (age 27+) an opportunity to receive top coaching and training instruction.