2023 Sin City Erg Shirt
Everyone is welcome and this shirt is great to wear around the boathouse - invite your striaght teammates to join you. We call it straight inclusion! After years going to straight events, isn't it time your teammates showed up at your event, to compete with you in a team entry, and see what side of the fence is fastest?
About 2023 Sin City Erg Shirt
We call the Sin City Erg the largest global LGBTQ+ indoor rowing event. Entries are offered for individuals and teams.
Everyone is welcome and this shirt is great to wear around the boathouse - invite your striaght teammates to join you. We call it straight inclusion! After years going to straight events, isn't it time your teammates showed up at your event, to compete with you in a team entry, and see what side of the fence is fastest?
Shipping Options
Shipping options and prices may vary depending on the total value of your order. Your final shipping price will be determined at checkout.
Options shown are based on your estimated location.
$8.55 - USPS Priority (3 days)
$4.84 - USPS Ground Advantage (5 days)
$41.65 - USPS Express (1 day)
$7.81 - FedExDefault S M A R T _ P O S T (5 days)
$46.05 - UPSDAP Next Day Air (1 day)
$76.05 - UPSDAP Next Day Air Early A M (1 day)
$39.50 - UPSDAP Next Day Air Saver (1 day)
$17.11 - UPSDAP 2nd Day Air (2 days)
$18.80 - UPSDAP 2nd Day Air A M (2 days)
$13.03 - UPSDAP 3 Day Select (3 days)
$8.71 - UPSDAP Ground (4 days)
$41.31 - FedExDefault P R I O R I T Y _ O V E R N I G H T (1 day)
$36.98 - FedExDefault S T A N D A R D _ O V E R N I G H T (1 day)
$33.75 - FedExDefault F E D E X _ 2 _ D A Y _ A M (2 days)
$18.41 - FedExDefault F E D E X _ 2 _ D A Y (2 days)
$16.86 - FedExDefault F E D E X _ E X P R E S S _ S A V E R (3 days)
$14.21 - FedExDefault F E D E X _ G R O U N D (4 days)
Shipping Size
Size11 in × 11 in × 0.75 in
Weight0.5 lb