7 in stock
In the film, a straight rowing team has to come to terms with racing against a confident and very fast gay rowing club called queerStrokes. The movie is somewhat autobiographical because the director was a rower, and there is in fact a gay rowing club in Berlin called queerSchlag. Many of the Berlin rowers are members of GLRF, and they helped train the actors for the film.
About Summerstorm
Summerstorm gives a fresh approach to the typical gay-straight interaction and is a fun and upbeat film. Rather than being just a gay movie, it is a movie that speaks to everyone about the difficulty of finding yourself growing up.
In the film, a straight rowing team has to come to terms with racing against a confident and very fast gay rowing club called queerStrokes. The movie is somewhat autobiographical because the director was a rower, and there is in fact a gay rowing club in Berlin called queerSchlag. Many of the Berlin rowers are members of GLRF, and they helped train the actors for the film.
"Charming, achingly evocative." - The Advocate
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Shipping Size
Size8 in × 5.5 in × 0.7 in
Weight0.25 lb