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2017 Stonewall Regatta

04 Jun 2017
Washington D.C., United States
Regatta · 0 members going · 3 following
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2017 Stonewall Regatta

Every summer, rowers and spectators from around the greater Washington, DC area, nation, and globe gather in Washington, DC for the Stonewall Regatta, hosted by the DC Strokes Rowing Club, to kick off the circuit of adult sprint racing in the Mid-Atlantic region. Stonewall is the only regatta in North America hosted by a Gay & Lesbian rowing team, and -- like the club itself -- welcomes athletes of all orientations. Stonewall Regatta follows the commitment of DC Strokes to bridge gaps between communities by building an inclusive environment and educating the public not only about rowing, but also contributions by the LGBT community and DC Strokes. The event promotes true sportsmanship in an open and inclusive environment, created not only by the participants themselves, but also by the event sponsors and volunteers.
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