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Armando Dell’Aquila: il bello del canottaggio - Volevo essere un canottiere Featured Article

GLRF OpenElite
01 Oct 2014 - 14h32 | IT: Volevo Essere Un Canottiere | 694 Views | Report-Feedback-Nominate Article

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01 Oct 2014 - 08h21.
Why did we feature this article? The guy who writes this blog is hilarious and what he says in the article about this rower is hilarious, even if you have to bump along with Google Translate.

in Italian:
#5 - Armando Dell’Aquila è cintura nera di testosterone. Quando si tira giù la lampo dei jeans, subito dopo tuona.

in English:
#5 - Armando Eagle is a black belt in testosterone. When you pull down the zipper of his jeans, right after he thunders.