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GLRF at 2016 USRowing Convention

GLRF banner visible in the background at the USRowing Vendor Village


View all of the images at the 2016 USRowing Convention gallery.


GLRF hosted a vendor's table at the 2016 USRowing convention. This was the first year that GLRF has hosted a vendor's booth/table at the convention.


The impetus for the display was the promotion of the GLRF Global Inclusion and Acceptance Campaign. The display table included the 2017 Gods of Rowing Calendars, the Rower's Pledge t-shirts, beanies, hoodies, and the new Rower's Pledge sticker. Much like a safe space sticker, the Rower's Pledge sticker is meant to be displayed at boathouses and clubs to indicate the open acceptance of gay and lesbian rowers.


The Rower's Pledge theme is meant to be a straight/gay neutral shirt that promotes the inclusion and acceptance of gay and lesbian rowers in any rowing programme, and complements the Inclusion and Acceptance Campaign.


USRowing is the national governing body for rowing in the United States. The convention meeting moves around each year to give attendees a chance to see other rowing venues. This year, the host was the Pioneer Valley Rowing Club. They host three programs: a junior's program, a master's program, and a dragon boat program.

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