Share A Link Questions
answers and features9 questions in this category
Do I have to add my name when adding a link?
No, only your OnlineID will appear. Of course, if you want to personalize the link by adding your name and stating that this is your company or you are part of the organization and fully support the LGBTQ rowing community, that would be great.
How is Share A Link integrated into the GLRF community platform?
Geographic links can be added to rowing groups. As an example, there are two Los Angeles area rowing club links. Both are added to the West Hollywood Oars group.
Rowing Enquiries uses the links to help people looking for rowing clubs in their area.
I just added a link. Why doesn’t it appear?
We have to provide link moderation approval. Since registration in GLRF is free to join, there is an opportunity for spammers to sneak in and add non rowing-related links.
Our Club or Programme isn’t gay. Can we add it?
Yes! What matters is the language in the link description. Will the LGBTQ community feel welcome?
What is Share A Link?
Share A Link is a unique feature that enables our community to share rowing-related and community-supportive links and resources. Any GLRF member can add a rowing-related link that they think would be useful to the LGBTQ rowing community. Currently there are twelve categories for adding website links.
Some links may be useful rowing training links or classic rowing basics links. Other links may be clubs, programmes, rowing retailers, boat manufacturers, and other equipment manufacturers that our members find to have an accepting and welcoming environment.
What is the purpose of the tags in a link?
The tags can pull together related links by geography, by demographic community, by rowing ability, and so on. If you click on a tag in any listing, you instantly see all the links with that tag included.
Who can add a link?
Any registered GLRF member. All rowing-related links are welcome and you don’t have to be gay to add a link. What matters to the LGBTQ rowing community is the language in the link description? Will they be welcome? Will they be respected? Will you listen to their concerns?
Who can edit the links?
Any GLRF member can edit the description of an existing link, and also add an image. To add or remove tags, the person who added the link must edit the link, or you can contact us.
Why doesn’t the GLRF administrator list our link for us?
By encouraging individual members to add links, they become personal recommendations for our community. If you believe in the link, you should add it.