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  • Frequently Asked Questions

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    1. Membership Questions

      Answers to questions about the GLRF membership.
    2. Website Questions

      Website features and answers
    3. Share A Link Questions

      answers and features
    4. Event Questions

      A quick guide on how to create a calendar event, on how to create a group event, and how to add an event to an All Oars Group.
      1. Membership Questions

        Answers to questions about the GLRF membership.
        • How can I delete my membership?

          How can I delete my membership?

          You will find the option in the left sidebar of the member account settings page.


          The deletion process is not instantaneous. The request for deletion will be routed to the administrator for approval.  After that, the account will be deleted.  All content uploaded or created by the member will be retained on the GLRF platform for continuity.


          For more information, please see the Registration Terms.

        • How do I update my profile rowing information I filled out when I registered?

          How do I update my profile rowing information I filled out when I registered?

          On desktop or laptop:

          1. Login
          2. Click on your userid in the header navigation bar.
          3. Click on Profile.
          4. Look for the 'Edit Profile' section near the top.
          5. Edit any of the fields you see - scroll down and down.  
          6. Be sure to hit save!

          On a mobile or tablet:

          1. Login
          2. Press the Profile icon at the bottom of the screen
          3. Press the pencil edit icon in the box near the top.
          4. Edit any of the fields you see - scroll down and down.
          5. Be sure to hit save!
        • What is the difference between Shoreside and OnTheWater?

          What is the difference between Shoreside and OnTheWater?

          Shoreside is the base registration when all members register.  As a Shoreside member, your membership will never expire.  You have access to most of the features on the GLRF website except the Find A Member feature found on each of the GLRF Country pages in Members, the community search feature, and the Shop At GLRF discount feature for gear purchases. 


          The OnTheWater upgraded membership provides all of the base Shoreside member features and includes the additional features: Find A Member in the GLRF Country pages, the community search feature, and the Shop At GLRF discount for gear purchases.  The upgraded membership lasts for 12 months and if not renewed, will lapse and the membership will be downgraded to Shoreside.

        • Why can't I register using my club's domain?

          Why can't I register using my club's domain?

          As an individual membership organization, we want to stay in touch with our members.  If someone registers as coach@xvzrowing.club, and they move on, that person won't be reachable. 


          Recently, we wanted to reach out to an Australian rower but he had used a company domain in his registration.  He had long since left the company and we have no way of contacting the member. 

        • Why did my account go inactive?

          Why did my account go inactive?

          User experience.  If a member hasn't logged in for two years, we have to assume they have gone inactive.  We want other members to be able to contact them by Personal Message (PM) or when a member comments about content a user has posted: gallery, forum, event, etc.  If our active members don't get a response, they may feel like the GLRF community isn't a rewarding experience.

      2. Website Questions

        Website features and answers
        • Does GLRF have an app?

          Does GLRF have an app?

          Yes we do!  It's called a PWA, or a progressive web app. For those who don't know, a PWA is a web application that can be installed on a device (mobile) to function like a native app.  The PWA app includes features like push notifications and like a native app, can be launched from the home screen (instead of launching a browser).  It appears as a standalone screen without the underlying browser address bar and controls. Unlike a native app, no updating is needed.  You won't find the GLRF app on Google Play or the Apple App Store. 


          Android users:

          1. On your Android device, type in the GLRF website: https://www.glrf.info in the search bar. Don't open the Chrome browser or Edge browser first.  
          2. You should see the GLRF website and at the top of the screen, a header bar with several icons.  Click on the icon on the very right with 3 vertical buttons. Select 'Add to Home screen.' You will be prompted to Install app: Gay + Lesbian Rowing Federation.  Do it!  The app will install.  This is now a standalone app on your mobile and works slightly differently than viewing the GLRF website just using the Chrome browser.   For one, you will receive push notifications.  For another, the app, when opened, appears without the normal browser address bar and controls.
          3. You can check that you installed the app by going to your settings for your mobile, then selecting Apps, and scrolling down until you find 'GLRF.'

          Apple iPhone & iPad users:

          1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome
          2. Type in the GLRF website: https://www.glrf.info 
          3. On the right of the adress bar, tap Share share-apple.svg
          4. Find and tap Add to Home Screen
          5. Confirm or edit the website details and tap Add.
        • How do I enable web push notifications?

          How do I enable web push notifications?

          After the GLRF web app is installed on your phone, you need to allow notifications on your mobile as well as enable notifications for the app.

          • For the mobile (Android), go to Settings, Select Apps, and then find the installed GLRF app. Click on it. Then click on notifications and select enable. Also, click on Permissions and just review the app permissions.
          • For the app, locate the GLRF app icon on your home screen and click the icon and login.  On the menu at the bottom of the screen click on the bell icon (Notifications) and then click on the blue bar that says 'Notification Settings.' The first section Your Notifications, allows you to expand each section and then select how you would like to be notified about content from each section.  Most of the sections offer a push notification option.  You can select more than one, i.e. email and push.  Once you have reviewed the 'Your Notifications' section, scroll further down to a new area: Notification Types Available Scroll down and you should see 'Push.' Ensure it says 'Enabled in this browser.'



        • How do I mention another user?

          How do I mention another user?

          Just type the @ symbol followed by the userid of the person you want to mention in any content within the GLRF website. (Wait for a displayed list of GLRF members and click on the userid you want)


          Once you add the mention, it will look like this: @glrfcentral or whomever you mention.


          Most importantly, the mentioned GLRF member will get a notification that he/she/ex has been mentioned.

        • What is a status update and where do I find it?

          What is a status update and where do I find it?

          Any GLRF member can post a status update.  In essence, it's a public message on your own profile activity feed.  It appears in The GLRF Stream.  


          There are two ways to use it: 

          1. post a rowing-related announcement of your own or add a link to a rowing news story
          2. Click on a member's profile, and say something about them (always posiitive...) in the activity status bar.  The status update will appear like this:

          glrfcentral -> dph2002 and then below, your comment.


          Finding the status update field on a desktop/laptop

          1. In the header navigation bar, click on 'Create' and select 'Status.'
          2. Alternatively, go to your profile and you'll see the field under the Activity tab that has greyed out lettering: "Write a public message on your own feed..."

          Finding the status update field on a mobile/tablet

          1. Click on the profile of a user and scroll down until you see the dropdown tab that has 'Activity' displayed.  Below that is the status update field of the user you clicked on.  If you type something in there, it will appear as You -> [user you clicked on}
          2. Click on the profile icon at the bottom of the screen
          3. Scroll down until you see the dropdown tab that has 'Activity' displayed.  Below that is your own status update field showing: "Write a public message on your own feed"
      3. Share A Link Questions

        answers and features
        • Do I have to add my name when adding a link?

          Do I have to add my name when adding a link?

          No, only your OnlineID will appear.   Of course, if you want to personalize the link by adding your name and stating that this is your company or you are part of the organization and fully support the LGBTQ rowing community, that would be great.

        • How is Share A Link integrated into the GLRF community platform?

          How is Share A Link integrated into the GLRF community platform?

          • Geographic links can be added to rowing groups.  As an example, there are two Los Angeles area rowing club links.  Both are added to the West Hollywood Oars group.

          • Rowing Enquiries uses the links to help people looking for rowing clubs in their area. 

        • I just added a link. Why doesn’t it appear?

          I just added a link. Why doesn’t it appear?

          We have to provide link moderation approval.  Since registration in GLRF is free to join, there is an opportunity for spammers to sneak in and add non rowing-related links.

        • Our Club or Programme isn’t gay. Can we add it?

          Our Club or Programme isn’t gay. Can we add it?

          Yes!  What matters is the language in the link description.  Will the LGBTQ community feel welcome?

        • What is Share A Link?

          What is Share A Link?

          Share A Link is a unique feature that enables our community to share rowing-related and community-supportive links and resources.  Any GLRF member can add a rowing-related link that they think would be useful to the LGBTQ rowing community.  Currently there are twelve categories for adding website links. 


          Some links may be useful rowing training links or classic rowing basics links.  Other links may be clubs, programmes, rowing retailers, boat manufacturers, and other equipment manufacturers that our members find to have an accepting and welcoming environment.

        • What is the purpose of the tags in a link?

          What is the purpose of the tags in a link?

          The tags can pull together related links by geography, by demographic community, by rowing ability, and so on.  If you click on a tag in any listing, you instantly see all the links with that tag included.

        • Who can add a link?

          Who can add a link?

          Any registered GLRF member.  All rowing-related links are welcome and you don’t have to be gay to add a link.   What matters to the LGBTQ rowing community is the language in the link description? Will they be welcome? Will they be respected? Will you listen to their concerns?

        • Who can edit the links?

          Who can edit the links?

          Any GLRF member can edit the description of an existing link, and also add an image.  To add or remove tags, the person who added the link must edit the link, or you can contact us.

        • Why doesn’t the GLRF administrator list our link for us?

          Why doesn’t the GLRF administrator list our link for us?

          By encouraging individual members to add links, they become personal recommendations for our community.  If you believe in the link, you should add it.

        • How do I upload images from my Android to a Gallery album?

          How do I upload images from my Android to a Gallery album?

          Just click on the add images button in the album itself, or in the category above, and then select 'Use an existing album' and select the one that applies.  [If you are creating a new album there is a little more information you have to provide as you are creating a new album but the process is the same once the existing or new album is created.  Then click on the plus symbol '+' symbol and then select from the 'Choose an action' at the bottom of the screen.  To access your gallery images, simply slide the bottom display to the left with your finger, and click on  'Media picker.'  For some Google or other Android users, the choice might be 'Select Media.'  It all depends on the settings of your phone.  For a Samsung Z Flip 5, you see the 'Media picker,' and then browse your source of the images. We tapped on Gallery and selected several images and hit 'Done' and there you go, images uploaded and all that is left is to click on 'Submit all images.'

      4. Event Questions

        A quick guide on how to create a calendar event, on how to create a group event, and how to add an event to an All Oars Group.
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